ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

5. Accounting rules (policy) and significant estimates and assumptions

The key accounting rules applied in preparing these consolidated financial statements are presented as an element of specific explanatory notes to these consolidated financial statements. These rules were applied in all of the presented periods continuously, except for the application of the changes to Standards and Interpretations described in note 6.

Preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with EU IFRS requires the Management Board to make certain assumptions and estimates that have an impact on the adopted accounting rules and the amounts shown in consolidated financial statements and notes to financial statements. Assumptions and estimates are based on the Management Board’s best knowledge regarding current and future events and activities. However, actual results may differ from forecasts. The estimated values presented in previous financial years do not have a material impact on the present interim period. The key areas where the Management Board’s estimates have considerable impact on consolidated financial statements are presented in the following explanatory notes:

Notes describing significant estimates and assumptions Note
Impairment of non-financial assets chapter (without a number)
Tax 12
Property, plant and equipment 14
Intangible assets and goodwill 15
Right-of-use assets 16
Investment properties 17
CO2 emission allowances 19
Inventories 20
Energy origin certificates 21
Trade and other receivables 22
Assets and liabilities arising from contracts with customers 24
Cash and cash equivalents 25
Employee benefit liabilities 32
Provisions 33
Financial instruments and fair value 35

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