ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

Customer relations

The quality and availability of our services are vital for the comfort of life and work of millions of Poles, therefore we adjust our actions to their needs and expectations every year.

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All the time, we continue to extend the offering and raise the service standards, develop activities for reliability of energy supplies, analyze the level of customers’ satisfaction and care for security of their data.

Our offer

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  • Custom index 13

We offer to individual customers both electricity and packages including additional services and products such as assistance of professionals in removing failures at home or innovative devices for smart home management. On the other hand, corporate customers may take advantage of services supporting their businesses, e.g. consulting on optimizing electricity consumption.

In 2020 we updated our offer for both individual and business customers, mainly by extending the possibility of purchasing additional products and services without having to sign an electricity purchase agreement.

Selected products for households

The products and services included in the offer in 2020 are marked in navy blue

  • Enea Smart – electricity as part of the package of solutions which will allow for more effective use of electricity and protection of the home against fire, flooding or burglary
  • ENERGIA+ Fachowiec [Repairman] – electricity with the small household repairs service (electrician, heating and gas equipment repairman, plumber, glazier, household appliance repairman; the range of services depends on the choice of one of the three options),
  • Fachowiec [Repairman] – the small household repairs service not linked to an electricity sales agreement
  • ENERGIA+ Pewna cena [Sure price] – electricity with a guarantee of its unchanged prices during the term of the agreement,
  • Mądra Energia [Smart Energy] – consulting, audit and sale of storage heaters or heat pumps, or a discount on the purchase of air purifiers, or help in analyzing the needs and technical options, audit and installation of photovoltaic panels, along with support with connection to the grid and obtaining government grants and the modernization tax relief
  • Enea Eco – offering of lower rates for electricity used at night provided it is used for the purpose of ecological heating of the home or charging an electric car,
  • ENERGIA+ Office 365 – electricity together with an annual subscription of Microsoft 365 Family pack and a two-year access to a training platform devoted to using the software,
  • Office 365 – subscription of the Microsoft 365 Family or Personal package for 12 months and access to a training platform for 12 months, not linked to an electricity sales agreement
  • Photovoltaics for Large Families – special discount for holders of Large Family Card for purchasing photovoltaic installation from our partner,
  • Pewna cena GAZ [Sure GAS Price] – a package including, apart from electricity, also gas at a price guaranteed until the end of 2021.

Selected products for companies

The products and services included in the offer in 2020 are marked in navy blue

  • ENERGA + Constant price – guarantee of unchanged electricity prices during the term of the agreement
  • ENERGIA+ Professional – electricity as part of a package with consulting services making it possible to optimize its consumption
  • Enea Smart Business – electricity as part of the package of solutions which will allow for more effective use of electricity and protection of the company against fire, flooding or burglary
  • ENERGIA + Fachowiec PRO [Repairman PRO] – electricity at a price guaranteed for 36 months with the service of small household repairs
  • Fachowiec PRO [Repairman PRO] – the small household repairs service not linked to an electricity sales agreement
  • ENERGIA+ Office 365 – electricity together with an annual subscription of Microsoft 365 Business Premium pack and a two-year access to a training platform
  • Office 365 – subscription of the Microsoft 365 Business Standard package for 12 months and access to a training platform for 12 months, not linked to an electricity sales agreement
  • Stała cena GAZ [Sure GAS Price] – a package including, apart from electricity, also gas at a price guaranteed until the end of 2022.
  • ENEA OPTIMA – a monthly flat-fee subscription for software, which, through remote transmission of metering data, offers a 24/7 control over and optimization of costs from any online device
  • ENERGIA+ Trend – electricity at prices based on the quotations on the Polish Power Exchange (Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A.), with the possibility of deciding freely about when the purchase is made
  • ENERGIA+ Indeks – guarantee of protection against a sudden and uncontrolled increase in prices adopted in the 2021 offer.

Our customers have the possibility of registering in the Shopping Zone loyalty program to obtain attractive discounts from our partners. The detailed offering can be found at

Responsible sales

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We apply the Best Practices of Electricity and Gaseous Fuel Suppliers of the Energy Trading Association, as well as our: Code of Best Practices for the processing of personal data in the sales area and the Sustainable Direct Marketing Policy at ENEA S.A., due to which our customers have the guarantee of fair treatment and respecting their rights. We carefully comply with the terms and conditions of agreements signed with them. We analyze in detail complaints and other reports of recipients of our services and based in the analysis, we modify processes and educate employees.

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ENEA Operator implements the unbundling guidelines of the Energy Regulatory Office for separating distribution and sales activities by taking the following measures:

  • It does not promote or recommend any companies involved in the generation or sale of electricity to third parties; it does not display promotional or advertising materials of energy companies while performing processes related to customer service.
  • It has its own visual identity.
  • It uses separate communication channels (website, e-mail address domain, telephone numbers).


confirmed cases of non-compliance with regulations on information and marking of products and services in 2020

Cases of non-compliance with regulations and non-mandatory codes related to the health and safety impact of products and services

  • 416-2


Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations leading to a penalty or a fine


Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations leading to a warning


Number of incidents of non-compliance with voluntary codes of conduct

Power supply continuity

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  • Custom index 13

Reliability of electricity and heat supply to customers is one of the priorities of our activity. To ensure it:

  • we introduce state-of-the-art technical standards,
  • we operate strictly in accordance with procedures,
  • we maintain the required state of the infrastructure,
  • we perform preventive diagnostic measurements,
  • we invest in the development of production assets,
  • we modernize and automate the electrical grid,
  • we continue to improve all the time the qualifications of our team,
  • we appropriately plan shutdowns during modernization works,
  • we analyze the causes of breakdowns.
  1. Procedure for planning and requesting work on the HV, MV and LV network for investing and operating purposes and for operational management of the network in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  2. Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  3. Procedure for live-line working on 15 and 20 KV overhead grids in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  4. Procedure for recording work performed in the live-line working technology and calculating electricity supplied to users during live-line working in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  5. Procedure of exchanging information and reporting events in the electric power grid by the ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.’s maintenance services and cooperation with crisis management teams in case of extensive failures
  6. Procedure for managing the removal of trees and bushes within the zones under ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.’s power lines
  7. Catalog of standard operating activities for HV, MV and LV grids in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  8. Procedure for eliminating collisions
  9. detailed regulations on correct operation of power installations
  10. Standards for the application of measurement and diagnostic equipment for medium voltage cable lines as well as measurement and diagnostics of high and medium voltage cable lines
  11. standards for technical solutions used for building power lines and power installations
  12. Business continuity plan, containing contingency procedures for critical processes.

As part of the measures applied to improve the reliability of grid operation, especially of the MV grid, which has the greatest influence on the indicators of duration and frequency of interruptions in electricity supply, the following program and supporting activities are carried out, among others:

  • implementation of the MV Grid Development Concept, which takes into account development of automated solutions within the grid,
  • cables of MV grids passing through forest areas,
  • elimination of short-circuit hazards in the MV grid in order to increase the cross-section of the MV line where it leaves the main supply points, which will consequently increase reliability of power supply to consumers,
  • implementation of the FDIR (Fault Detection, Isolation & Restoration) function in selected MV line sections,
  • liquidation of the 6 kV grid in the Poznań urban area,
  • ENEA Operator’s activities in respect to measurements and diagnostics of medium voltage cable lines,
  • works aiming to take systemic measures related to the removal of trees and bushes within the zones under power lines.

ENEA Operator makes all efforts to limit the consequences of failures and restore power supply to customers as quickly as possible. In order to ensure continuity of electricity supply, the company may supply energy to a separate electric power grid using electricity generators, provided that it is technically feasible. In order to limit interruptions in power supply to users to the minimum, the company systematically increases the scope of work performed in the live-line working technology (MV and LV), carries out preventive diagnostic measurements and cooperates with other transmission and distribution system operators. The work on locating damage in the grid, making the necessary switching and repairs to restore power supply to the consumers is undertaken immediately after the failure occurs, by ENEA Operator employees or by external contractors.

Whenever a failure occurs, a cause analysis is conducted as an element of the assessment of the technical condition, which forms the basis for making operational decisions and for determining the scope of an upgrade/replacement of devices under the modernization and capital expenditure programs in place in the company.

Jarosław Ziobrowski

Director of the Grid Assets Management Department at ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.

  • Custom index 23

The safety of electricity supply to customers is also improved by introducing standards for any materials used and works performed on the company’s distribution network. The use of standardized network equipment enables a faster removal of failures. During the process aimed at developing such standards, each proposed solution is subjected to an in-depth analysis and technological tests. As a result of this work, practical documents are created that incorporate the requirements for the distribution grid across the company. All standards are then subjected to regular annual analyses enabling their detailed formulation and updating in a manner that makes the requirements and guidelines contained therein reflect the current changing needs of the power grid operation.

ENEA Operator continues its comprehensive broad activities for improving reliability of the electricity distribution grid, which include, among others, modernization programs, operating work and appropriate organization of work (including extension of the scope of live-line working), buying additional equipment and tools. The directions and the scope of these efforts are closely linked to the quality regulation introduced by the Energy Regulatory Office President. The regulator has defined the goals, which included reliability of energy supply, that the company must implement by 2025, under the pain of financial sanctions.

PLN 1.165 billion

was earmarked by ENEA Operator in 2020 for investments in the area of energy efficiency and energy security

  1. Construction of the 110kV overhead line Środa – Kromolice;
  2. Construction of the 110kV overhead line Babimost – Zbąszynek;
  3. Construction of the 110/15 kV Kostrzyn II substation;
  4. Reconstruction of the 110 kV overhead line Skwierzyna – XSK pole;
  5. Reconstruction of the 110/15/6 kV Poznań Główna substation;
  6. Reconstruction of the 110/15 kV Cytadela substation;
  7. Reconstruction of the 110/15 kV Miasteczko Krajeńskie substation;
  8. Reconstruction of the 110/15 kV Choszczno substation;
  9. Reconstruction of the 110/15 kV Jasiniec substation;
  10. Reconstruction of the 110/15 kV Recław substation – adaptation of the automatic protection equipment.

Energy efficiency and energy security investments made in 2020 by selected ENEA Group companies of the Mining and Generation segments

PLN 24,178,000

ENEA Ciepło

PLN 6,006,652

Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka”

PLN 8,792,220

ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec

PLN 3,917,220

Łęczyńska Energetyka

PLN 1,336,483

MEC Piła

PLN 702,805

ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division

PLN 327,000


Grid reliability indicators

The pace of improvement of the electricity supply reliability indicators is a result of a consistent implementation of extensive efforts in the areas of capital expenditures, operation and work organization.

  • Sector EU index 28
  • Sector EU index 29

As adopted in the Group’s strategy
26 Reflects scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages.


Service quality

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igh service quality for our customers is guaranteed by detailed internal regulations. These include:

  • Standards of Customer Service in Customer Service Offices,
  • Standard of Telephone Service in the Distribution Contact Center,
  • Book of Complaint Process and Key Quality Guidelines for employees of Post-sale Service Divisions.

The direction of further standard raising in the above regard are defined by the Strategy of the Customer Service Areafor 2020-2024 performed by ENEA Centrum.

Customer data security

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  • Custom index 10

We respect our customers’ privacy and care for the security of stored data. We are guided here by the prevailing laws and internal procedures.

Group companies comply with the requirements provided for by the Act on the National Cybersecurity System. The organization has deployed advanced IT solutions enabling quick and efficient responding to cybersecurity incidents and counteracting risks in this area, with particular emphasis on the newest threats resulting from the need to adapt the security of systems to operation in a pandemic period. Furthermore, pursuant to the GDPR requirements, Data Protection Officers have been appointed in companies. They monitor compliance with personal data protection regulations and are contact persons for any matters in that area, also for customers.

Implemented internal regulations:

  • Personal Data Protection Policy in the ENEA Group,
  • ICT Security Principles in the ENEA Group,
  • Personal Data Processing Principles in the ENEA Group,
  • Risk Management Methodology for Personal Data Processing in the ENEA Group

The companies also adopt their own regulations, for example the Information Security Policy for ICT Systems at Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A.

The Group has also developed:

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  • The Code of Best Practices for the processing of personal data in the sales area – it is a set of practical rules pertaining to direct marketing, personal data processing and the fulfillment of obligations under the GDPR, the Telecommunications Law and the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services. It was created in collaboration with the Inspector for Personal Data Protection and is applicable to all sellers.
  • The Sustainable Direct Marketing Policy at ENEA S.A. is a form of a public declaration regarding its compliance with the laws governing the protection of personal data and the privacy of customers. It provides for the exercise of due diligence on the part of ENEA S.A. in its marketing activities targeted at customers.


instances of customer data breaches in 2020 that qualified for reporting to the Personal Data Protection Authority

Selected activities in 2020

In 2020, the Personal Data Protection Policy in the ENEA Group was reviewed and updated.

ENEA Trading carried out a review of processes related to the processing of data contained in identity documents. Under this review, an opinion was obtained from the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection confirming that the practices adopted by the company are in full compliance with the applicable regulations. Moreover, due to the increased level of risk of data security incidents caused by the adoption of distant work solutions, the company and ENEA S.A. increased the frequency of messages aimed at raising awareness of the obligations and threats related to data processing among employees. Duties in the area of information security have been included in agreements on the performance of remote work entered into with employees by most companies at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic.

At ENEA Serwis, the Safety rules for home office work have been implemented.

Responsibility in the context of the epidemic

In order to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection, in 2020 we actively promoted remote communication channels among the buyers of our products and services, in particular the eBOK (electronic Customer Service Center). We expanded the range of matters that may be handled without leaving home. For instance, we allowed retail customers to enter into product contracts via electronic channels, we simplified the process of changing the electricity vendor by permitting the provision of scanned terminations, we permitted customers of ENEA Trading to send scans of documents instead of using a qualified electronic signature, and we worked out arrangements with Pekao S.A. and PKO BP to accept electronic authorizations of newly received consents to direct debits. For a significant part of 2020, the ENEA Group’s Customer Service Offices were either closed or were operating in compliance with the full sanitary regime, only by appointment. Moreover, employees did not have to read the electricity meters, because customers were able to provide the meter reading by phone, via the eBOK and on the website. For with smart meters, the readings were carried out remotely.

From March to the end of December 2020:


the number of accounts in the electronic Customer Service Office increased


the number of cases related to electricity handled through this channel increased

ENEA Pomiary reduced to a minimum the range of activities requiring direct contact with the customer, such as debt collection or meter readings. During any unavoidable fulfillments of orders in the homes of customers, electrical equipment installers kept a distance of at least 2 m, disinfected their hands and equipment and did not request a signature confirming the completion of the order.

Communication and satisfaction surveys

Customers may contact us, among others, via:


We continue to modernize the technical facilities for our hotline and adjust it to our customers’ expectations and changes to the business environment.

  • Custom index 11

In 2020, the following events took place:

  • launched a fully automatic process of entering into product agreements online,
  • launched the process of selling by phone with contracts signed by e-mail,
  • improved the functioning of the livechat application, among others by introducing the ability to add a larger number of attachments and saving the conversation with the consultant.

In Customer Service Offices, we added an information bar at the bottom of LED screens, which is used for scrolling important information, such as customer satisfaction surveys, e-invoices, or estimated wait times for appointments. We also introduced e-mail notifications sent when a new paper invoice is issued and when we receive a return of correspondence sent by regular mail. We also conducted work on implementing chatbots and voicebots to operate chat rooms and hotlines and enable quickly switching to consultants, as well as on automatic answering of failure notifications on the 991 emergency line.

  • Custom index 12

To constantly improve the quality of provided services, we carry out customer satisfaction surveys.

Customers selected at random after completing the service through the information line or at a Customer Service Office receive a telephone call with an automatic satisfaction questionnaire. The aim of the survey is to obtain information on customers’ satisfaction level with regard to how their matter was handled and on the consultant’s involvement. Satisfaction index is the number of persons satisfied from the service compared to all the customers who filled out all the survey correctly.

The surveys are usually carried out continuously and their results are aggregated on a monthly basis. In 2020, because of the epidemiological situation, the surveys were suspended from 13 March to 1 November.

In 2020, we conducted another edition of the customer satisfaction survey (CSI).


Clients satisfied with our offer and cooperation (according to CSI research)

The following entities also carried out satisfaction surveys among their customers:

  • Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” (among the so-called authorized coal sellers),
  • ENEA Pomiary (level of satisfaction of ENEA Operator’s coordinators with cooperation with the company and survey of satisfaction of internal clients – installation technicians engaged as subcontractors – with the quality of service in Field Replacement Points),
  • ENEA Oświetlenie.

Search results