ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

Management of other gas and dust pollution

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Our ambition is to lower as much as possible emissions of pollutants generated during production processes, which is served by further infrastructural investments performed.
Due to them, continued progress is possible with limiting emissions of sulfur dioxide, dust and nitrogen oxides.
  • 305-7

Level of emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO₂), dust and nitrogen oxides (NOx) generated by companies from the Generation Segment in 2020

Company name
Emission rate [ Mg ]
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
ENEA Wytwarzanie14 9,035.9 10,433.3 369.6 523.2 10,670.8 10,450.7
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec 5,895.8 7,272.5 484.2 378.7 6,452.8 5,184.7
Białystok CHP Plant
206.3 101 44 41 406 443
“Zachód” Heat plant (Białystok)
18.3 13.6 1,3 1,0 11.7 12.8
14. Including emissions for the start-up boiler house of Unit 11 at the Kozienice Power Plant.

Pursuant to the IED Directive, as of 1 January 2016, more stringent limits for emissions of pollutants will be in force, to which, among others, energy producers using coal technologies had to adjust. To address the problems of businesses, the Directive provided for a temporary mitigation of its requirements in the form of derogations; this meant an extra time for adaptation to the new emission standards. One of such derogations was the Transition National Plan (TNP), in which ENEA Group’s generation units participated: the Kozienice Power Plant (with respect to sulfur dioxide and dust) and the Białystok Combined Heat and Power Plant (with respect to sulfur dioxide, dust and nitrogen oxides). According to the rules of TNP, in the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2020, the reported generation units were adapting to the emission limits as they decreased year over year in respect to their assigned pollutants. The Kozienice Power Plant and the Białystok Combined Heat and Power Plant have fully fulfilled all the assumptions within the required deadline.

Emissions of the pollutants under TNP and the utilization of the permitted pollutant emission cap for 2020

2020 ENEA Wytwarzanie
(Elektrownia Kozienice)
ENEA Ciepło
(Białystok CHP Plant)15
ENEA Group
Emissions [ Mg ]
3092.64 61.96 3154.59
Annual permitted cap [ Mg ]
3756.75 355.07 4111.82
% utilization
82.3% 17.5% 76.7%
Emissions [ Mg ]
72.62 16.45 89.07
Annual permitted cap [ Mg ]
375.65 35.52 411.17
% utilization
19.3% 46.3% 21.7%
Emissions [ Mg ]
203.81 203.81
Annual permitted cap [ Mg ]
293.12 293.12
% utilization
69.5% 69.5%


15. The compilation includes also the Białystok CHP Plant, since it participates in the TNP together with the Kozienice Power Plant.

ENEA Ciepło was awarded PreQurs certificate, class A described as “NE” (NO EMISSION) as well as the NO SMOG quality sign. This confirms that it produces heat in a more environmentally friendly manner than coal-fired home boiler systems.

More information on the emissions of pollutants is provided on pages 90-92 of the Management Board Report on the Activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in 2020 .

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