ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

17. Investment properties

Accounting rules

Investment properties are maintained in order to generate income from rent, growth in value or both. The Group selected the purchase price model at initial recognition.

Investments in properties are amortised on a straight-line basis. Amortisation begins in the month following the month in which the investment in property is accepted for use.

Income from renting investment properties is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis throughout the contract term.

Significant judgements and estimates

Key assumptions regarding verifying the economic life of investment properties are described in an explanatory note concerning property, plant and equipment (note 14), and key assumptions concerning impairment are described in a note in the section of these financial statements relating to the impairment of non-financial assets.

Investment properties

As at
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Gross value
As at 1 January 33 682 32 770
Transfers 836
Purchase 77 33
Liquidation (2 777)
Other 43
As at 31 December 30 982 33 682
Accumulated amortisation
As at 1 January (9 892) (6 222)
Amortisation (1 009) (3 670)
Liquidation 2 776
Other (29)
As at 31 December (8 154) (9 892)
As at 1 January (681) (684)
Decreases 5 3
Increases (913)
As at 31 December (1 589) (681)
Net value
Net value at 1 January 23 109 25 864
Net value at 31 December 21 239 23 109


No collateral was established on investment properties.

Presented below are revenue and costs related to investment properties:

Year ended
31 December 2020 31 December 20119
Income from investment properties 2 520 2 556
Operating costs related to income-generating investment properties (4 544) (6 425)


The Group classifies office buildings and other premises as investment properties.

The ENEA S.A. headquarters was the most valuable investment property recognised in the books at PLN 7 816 thousand. The Group estimates that the fair value is close to the value recognised in the books.

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