ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

Key non-financial performance indicators in ENEA Group

GRI:[ ]
  • 201-1

2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Payments to the state budget by virtue of dividends
0 0
Payroll-related expenses and benefits
PLN 1.9 billion PLN 2.0 billion +3%
Confirmed incidents of corruption
2 0 -100%

Ratio 2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) 1 22,039,576 Mg CO2 18,671,299 Mg CO2 -15%
Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions2 774 kg/MWh 757 kg/MWh -2%
Produkcja energii ze źródeł odnawialnych 2,279 GWh 2,392 GWh +5%
Generation of energy from renewable source PLN 238 billion PLN 272.5 billion +14%
Amount earmarked for investments in the environmental area PLN 0.999 billion PLN 1.165 billion3 +17%
Amount earmarked by ENEA Operator for investments in the area of energy efficiency and energy security 0 0
1Total emissions related to the generation of electricity and heat by the Kozienice Power Plant, the Połaniec Power Plant, the Białystok CHP Plant, the “Zachód” Heat Plant, MEC Piła, PEC and Łęczyńska Energetyka.
2Ratio of total CO₂ emissions associated with electricity generation to total gross electricity generation.
3Total amount of investments made by the company.

Ratio 2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Total amount earmarked for social causes4
PLN 3,262,127 PLN 8,040,797  





  • including support provided to counteract the COVID-19 epidemic
PLN 5 339,271
  • including other expenditures for socially beneficial purposes
PLN 3,262,127 PLN 2,701,526
Number of beneficiaries of competence volunteerism
None reported
Number of volunteers under voluntary work contracts as at 31 December 2020
None reported
Total number of hours spent on voluntary work by employees
1,857 6606 -64%
Number of discriminatory incidents and corrective actions taken
0 0


4Total funds donated by companies to the ENEA Foundation, the “Solidarni Górnicy” [Solidary Miners] Foundation, directly to the beneficiaries and to community involvement projects..
5Measure implemented only in Q1 2020, that is until schools switched to distance learning.

Ratio 2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Trading Segment: number of individual customers (electricity and gaseous fuel consumers)
2,535 thousand 2,565 thousand +1%
Distribution Segment: number of customers/energy consumers7
2,626 thousand 2,661 thousand +1%
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail customers
20.3 TWh 21.1 TWh +4%
SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index8
98 min. 77 min. -21%
SAIFI – System Average Interruption Frequency Index8
2.79 2.06 -26%
Cases of non-compliance with regulations related to the health and safety impact of products and services
None reported
Cases of non-compliance with regulations related to the provision of information about products and services
None reported
Customer data breaches that qualified for reporting to the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority
0 0

We actively cooperate with the United Nations Global Compact. The effects of our efforts in areas such as human rights, protection of the environment, customer care, abuse prevention or social involvement were recognized externally in 2020 by POLITYKA’s CSR Silver Leaf (awarded for the third year running) and 2nd ranking in the fuel, energy and mining industry and 8th in the overall Responsible Company Ranking.

Anna Lutek

Director of PR and Communications Department

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