ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

20. Inventories

Accounting rules

Components of inventory are measured at the purchase price, which includes the purchase price plus costs, especially the cost to transport it to storage or the cost to manufacture, not exceeding the net sales price less impairment of inventory.

The distribution of inventory is established as follows:

  • using the weighted average purchase price approach,
  • using specific identification of actual costs,
  • using the FIFO method.

The Group’s inventory includes energy origin certificates purchased for redemption, for further sale and those produced internally.

Energy origin certificates – these are confirmations that energy is produced from renewable energy sources (energy from wind, water, sun, biomass, etc. – green certificates, energy from agriculture biogas – blue certificates). They are issued by the URE President at the request of an energy enterprise that produces energy from renewable sources and in cogeneration.

Energy efficiency certificates, i.e. white certificates, serve as confirmation for declared energy savings resulting from activities intended to improve energy efficiency in three areas: increase energy savings by end customers, increase energy savings for own purposes and reduce losses of electricity, heat or natural gas in transmission and distribution. The URE Presidents conducts tenders for white certificates in these categories. They are issued by the URE President at the request of the tender winner.

Property rights arising from energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates arise when energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates are entered into registers maintained by Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A. (TGE S.A.). These rights are disposable and constitute an exchange-traded commodity. These rights are transferred when an appropriate entry is made in the energy origin certificate register or energy efficiency certificate register. Property rights expire when they are redeemed.

Purchased origin certificates are measured at the purchase price, less any impairment.

Origin certificates for energy produced internally are recognised when such energy is produced (or as of the date on which award of such certificates became likely), unless there is justified uncertainty as to their award by the URE President. Origin certificates for energy produced internally are measured as follows:

  • in accordance with the rules for determining certificate sales prices resulting from contracts executed by the Group – this applies to certificates that are covered by contracts,
  • based on market quotes for certificates from the last day of the month in which the relevant energy volumes were generated – this applies to other certificates that are not covered by sales contracts executed by the Group,
  • in an amount resulting from the substitute fees for certificates that are not quoted on the market.

In a situation where the value of origin certificates recognised in records that are not covered by contracts is higher than the value determined using market prices as of the balance sheet date, the Group recognises an impairment loss on these certificates to their market value.

In accordance with the Energy Law and the Act on Energy Efficiency, an energy enterprise involved in trade of energy and sales of energy to end customers is required to:

  1. obtain energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates and submit them to the URE President for redemption, or
  2. pay substitute fees

The Group is required to obtain and present for redemption the following:

  1. energy origin certificates corresponding to the quantities specified in the Energy Law, as a percent of total energy sales to end customers,
  2. energy efficiency certificates in quantities expressed in tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), no larger than 3% of division of the amount of revenue from electricity sales to end customers in a given year in which this obligation is performed by the unit substitute fee; the amount of revenue from sale of electricity to end customers generated in a given settlement year is reduced by the amounts and costs referred to in art. 12 sec. 4 of the Act on Energy Efficiency; the size of the obligation in specific settlement years is specified in regulations to the Act on Energy Efficiency.

The deadlines for performing the obligation to redeem energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates or paying substitute fees for each year are governed by the provisions of law in force.

The Group submits to the URE President energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates for redemption in monthly cycles in order to perform its obligation for the given year. In accounting books, redemptions of energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates are recognised based on a decision from the URE President concerning redemption, using the FIFO approach, specific identification method or the weighted average purchase price method.

If at the balance sheet date there is an insufficient quantity of certificates required to perform the obligations imposed by the Energy Law and the Act on Energy Efficiency, the Group creates provisions for redemption of energy origin certificates and energy efficiency certificates or payment of substitute fees.

Significant judgements and estimates

Determining impairment of inventory requires net realisable values to be estimated based on the most up-to-date sales prices at the time when these estimates are made.


Year ended
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Materials 785 407 952 280
Semi-finished products and production in progress 1 237 772
Finished products 28 144 34 396
Energy origin certificates 350 664 436 118
Goods 10 230 11 569
Gross value of inventory 1 175 682 1 435 135
Impairment of inventory (45 707) (58 840)
Net value of inventory 1 129 975 1 376 295


The Group mines coal, which is then partially used in production and partially sold outside the Group. It is not possible to reliably specify which part of coal is sold, therefore the entire inventory is presented in the above table as 'Materials.'

In the 12 months of 2020, impairment of inventory decreased by PLN 13 133 thousand on a net basis (in the 12 months of 2019 impairment of inventory increased by PLN 5 230 thousand on a net basis).

No collateral is established on inventory.

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