ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

12. Tax

Income tax (including deferred income tax)

Income tax recognised in profit or loss for the period covers actual the actual tax burden for the given reporting period, calculated in accordance with the applicable provisions of the act on corporate income tax and potential adjustments of tax returns for previous years. 

Deferred tax is the tax effect of events in a given period recognised using the accrual principle in accounting books for the period but is performed in the future. It arises when the tax effect of revenue and costs is the same as the balance sheet effect but takes place in different periods.

Deferred income tax arises in respect of all temporary differences, except for cases where deferred income tax results from:

  1. initial recognition of goodwill; or
  2. initial recognition of an asset or liability from a transaction that:
    • is not a merger of economic entities; and
    • has no impact at the transaction date on gross financial result or taxable income (tax loss);
  3. investment in subsidiaries, branches, associates and interests in joint ventures.

In reference to all negative temporary differences, a deferred income tax asset is recognised up to an amount of likely taxable income to be generated that will offset the negative temporary differences.

The amount of deferred tax is set using income tax rates in effect for the year in which the tax obligation arises.

Recoverability of deferred income tax assets

Deferred income tax assets are measured using tax rates in effect when the asset is performed. The Group recognises a deferred income tax asset with the assumption that it will generate a tax profit in the future to use it.

The likelihood of using deferred income tax assets against future tax profits is based on the budgets of Group companies.

Income tax

Year ended
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
current tax (290 339) (350 370)
deferred tax 659 551 19 796
Income tax 369 212 (330 574)


Income tax on the Group’s gross profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would be received by using the applicable nominal tax rate applicable to the consolidated companies as follows:

Year ended
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
(Loss)/profit before tax (2 603 549) 871 271
Tax calculated using the 19% rate 494 674 (165 541)
Non-deductible costs (permanent differences * 19%) (128 728) (138 066)
Non-taxable revenue (permanent differences * 19%) 8 075 7 038
Other * 19% (4 809) (34 005)
Decrease of financial result due to income tax 369 212 (330 574)


Impairment of investment in associates and jointly-controlled entities constitutes the largest item of non-deductible costs.

Deferred income tax

Changes in deferred income tax assets and provision (after offsetting assets and provision at Group level) are as follows:

As at
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Deferred income tax assets 2 262 460 1 360 169
Offset of deferred income tax assets and provision (966 399) (790 800)
Deferred income tax assets after offset 1 296 061 569 369
Deferred income tax assets 1 411 493 1 204 192
Offset of deferred income tax assets and provision (966 399) (790 800)
Deferred income tax assets after offset 445 094 413 392


Deferred income tax assets as at 31 December 2020 to be realised within 12 months amounted to PLN 876 244 thousand (PLN 675 818 thousand as at 31 December 2019), while those over 12 months PLN 1 386 216 thousand (PLN 684 351 thousand as at 31 December 2019).

Deferred income tax provision as at 31 December 2020 to be realised within 12 months amounted to PLN 361 512 thousand (PLN 186 769 thousand as at 31 December 2019), while those over 12 months PLN 1 049 981 thousand (PLN 1 017 423 thousand as at 31 December 2019).

At 31 December 2020, there were no indications of the risk that deferred income tax assets would not be recovered. The increase in deferred income tax assets mainly results from recognised impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets. According to the Group, the differences between the tax values and balance sheet values of tangible assets will be fully realised in the coming periods.

Change in deferred income tax assets and liabilities during the year (before offset):

Deferred income tax assets: 

benefit liabilities
Provision for the
cost of energy
origin certificates
Provision for
rehabilitation and
CO2 emission
Taxable costs
after end of
settlement period
between balance
sheet value and
tax value of
intangible assets
Impairment of
tangible assets*
Other Total
As at 1 January 2019 202 605 57 271 117 685 103 544 157 721 353 399 453 805 1 446 030
Adjustments (103 138) 104 354 1 216
As at 1 January 2019, adjusted 202 605 57 271 117 685 406 157 721 353 399 558 159 1 447 246
(Charge)/addition to profit or loss 14 763 (20 680) 138 877 1 982 (32 834) (2 743) (201 437) (102 072)
(Charge)/addition to other comprehensive income 16 267 (2) 16 (1 286) 14 995
As at 31 December 2019 using the 19% rate 233 635 36 591 256 562 2 386 124 887 350 672 355 436 1 360 169
As at 1 January 2020 233 635 36 591 256 562 2 386 124 887 350 672 355 436 1 360 169
(Charge)/addition to profit or loss 3 363 (4 176) 117 157 142 (27 202) 646 608 131 493 867 385
Recognised in other comprehensive income 14 423 20 483 34 906
As at 31 December 2020 using the 19% rate 251 421 32 415 373 719 2 528 97 685 997 280 507 412 2 262 460
* Including property, plant and equipment, other intangible assets and perpetual usufruct of land


As at 31 December 2020, tax losses to be settled in future periods amounted to PLN 35 464 thousand. This amount was taken into consideration in calculating deferred income tax assets

Deferred income tax provision:

Taxable income after end of settlement period Recorded, uninvoiced sales Differences between balance sheet value and tax value of
tangible assets*
Net provision for mine liquidation Other Total
As at 1 January 2019 122 690 47 476 901 752 10 397 244 050 1 326 365
Adjustments (103 138) 104 354 1 216
As at 1 January 2019, adjusted 19 552 47 476 901 752 10 397 348 404 1 327 581
Charge/(addition) to profit or loss (2 278) (1 841) 153 283 (133) (270 899) (121 868)
Recognised in other comprehensive income (1 521) (1 521)
As at 31 December 2019 using the 19% rate 17 274 45 635 1 055 035 10 264 75 984 1 204 192
As at 1 January 2020 17 274 45 635 1 055 035 10 264 75 984 1 204 192
Charge/(addition) to profit or loss (4 311) (425) 55 761 212 156 597 207 834
Recognised in other comprehensive income (533) (533)
As at 31 December 2020 using the 19% rate 12 963 45 210 1 110 796 10 476 232 048 1 411 493
* The differences stem from fair-value measurements of tangible assets and differences in amortisation rates

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