Organization profile
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GRI 102-1 | Name of the organization | Contact data |
GRI 102-2 | Activities, brands, products, and services | Our offer |
GRI 102-3 | Location of headquarters | Contact data |
GRI 102-4 | Location of operations | Our business model |
GRI 102-5 | Ownership and legal form | Structure of the ENEA Group |
GRI 102-6 | Markets served | Our business model |
GRI 102-7 | Scale of operations | Our business model |
GRI 102-8 | Information about Employees and other persons providing work for the organization | Group staff |
GRI 102-9 | Supply chain | Supply chain |
GRI 102-10 | Significant changes in the reporting period regarding size, structure, ownership form or value chain | About this report |
GRI 102-11 | Precautionary Principle or approach | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 102-12 | Externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses | Community relations |
GRI 102-13 | Memberships of associations | Memberships of associations |
GRI 102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | Letter from President of the Management Board |
GRI 102-16 | Values, principles, code of ethics, status standards and standards of behaviour | Organizational culture |
GRI 102-18 | Organizational supervisory structure with committees under the highest supervisory body Management | Governing bodies of the ENEA Group |
Stakeholder management
GRI 102-40 | List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization | Community relations |
GRI 102-41 | Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements | Rules at work |
GRI 102-42 | The basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders with whom to engage by the organization | Community relations |
GRI 102-43 | The organization’s approach to stakeholder engagement | Community relations |
GRI 102-44 | Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders | About this report |
GRI 102-45 | Entities included in the report | About this report |
GRI 102-46 | Process of defining report content | About this report |
GRI 102-47 | Material topics identified in the process for defining report content | About this report |
GRI 102-48 | Changes and corrections in relation to the previous report | About this report |
GRI 102-49 | Significant changes from previous reporting periods | About this report |
GRI 102-50 | Reporting period | About this report |
GRI 102-51 | Date of most recent report | About this report |
GRI 102-52 | Reporting cycle | About this report |
GRI 102-53 | Contact person | Contact data |
GRI 102-54 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | About this report |
GRI 102-55 |
GRI content index
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GRI 102-56 | Policy and current practice in external verification of the report | About this report |
Economic performance
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GRI 201-1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed | Key non-financial performance indicators in ENEA Group. |
Impact on the Polish economy
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Contribution to the society |
GRI 203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Contribution to the society |
Contribution to services for the society, improvement of the infrastructure, improvement of the local market
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Contribution to the society |
GRI 203-1 | Infrastructure investments and services supported | Creating innovation |
Custom index 1 | Number of Energy Consumption Points, i.e. the number of Clients Rotation Segment | Our business model |
Custom index 2 | Installed production capacity | Our business model |
Activities undertaken to eliminate instances of corruption
GRI 205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | Organizational culture |
Sustainable development strategy and activities
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GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Directions of development |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Directions of development |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Directions of development |
Custom index 7 | List of key investments that reduce the scale of the organization’s impact on the environment | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
Energy consumption in the company and methods of reducing it; activities promoting energy efficiency | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Energy efficiency measures |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Energy efficiency measures |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Energy efficiency measures |
GRI 302-1 | Energy consumption in the organization | Energy efficiency measures |
Custom index 8 | Key actions are implemented to reduce energy consumption and energy efficiency | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
Raw materials and supplies used by the company, recycling and reuse | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Management of raw materials and consumables |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Management of raw materials and consumables |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Management of raw materials and consumables |
GRI 301-1 | Raw materials by weight or volume | Management of raw materials and consumables |
Water uptake and consumption, reuse, information on wastewater | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Water |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Water |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Water |
GRI 303-3 | Total water consumption by source | Water |
Quantity of wastewater, waste produced and spillages as well as hazardous waste created in the production process | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Waste |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Waste |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Waste |
GRI 306-2 | Total waste weight by type of waste and methods of waste management | Waste |
Emissions and reduction methods | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 305-1 | Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 305-4 | GHG emissions intensity | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 305-5 | Reduction of GHG emissions | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 305-7 | Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions | Management of other gas and dust pollution |
Custom index 25 | List of key investments that affect the reduction of emissions | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
Sector EU index 5 | Allocation of CO2 emissions allowances | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
Production of electricity from renewable sources | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
GRI 103-3 | The management approach and its components | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
Custom index 24 | Production of energy from renewable source | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
Risks and opportunities resulting from climate changes | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Non-financial risk management |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Non-financial risk management |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Non-financial risk management |
GRI 201-2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Non-financial risk management |
Impact of operations on biodiversity and landscape | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Protection of biodiversity and landscape |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Protection of biodiversity and landscape |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Protection of biodiversity and landscape |
GRI 304-1 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | Protection of biodiversity and landscape |
GRI 304-3 | Habitats protected or restored | Protection of biodiversity and landscape |
Compliance with environmental regulations, prevention of abuse, non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 307-1 | The amount of significant penalties and non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations regarding environmental protection | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
Amount of capital expenditures in the environmental protection area | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
Custom index 22 | Total amount for investments in the area of environment | ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2020 |
Supplier environmental assessment | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
GRI 308-1 | New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria | General rules of managing our environmental impact |
Headcount, number of new Employees, employee turnover, employee benefits
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GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Responsible workplace management |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Responsible workplace management |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Responsible workplace management |
GRI 401-1 | New Employees and departures | Group stuff |
GRI 401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time Employees | Responsible workplace management |
Occupational health and safety
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Occupational health and safety |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Occupational health and safety |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Occupational health and safety |
GRI 403-1 | Occupational health and safety management system | Occupational health and safety |
GRI 403-6 | Promotion of worker health | Health promotion programs |
GRI 403-9 | Work-related injuries | Occupational health and safety |
Custom index 14 | Examples of actions and solutions to increase safety in the workplace and Employee education in this area | Occupational health and safety |
Diversity and equal opportunities in access to jobs, including positions n the management board
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Governing bodies of the ENEA Group |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Governing bodies of the ENEA Group |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Governing bodies of the ENEA Group |
GRI 405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Governing bodies of the ENEA Group |
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Counteracting mobbing and discrimination |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Counteracting mobbing and discrimination |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Counteracting mobbing and discrimination |
GRI 406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | Counteracting mobbing and discrimination |
Workplace, traineeships and apprenticeships created for the youth
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Contribution to the society |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Contribution to the society |
Custom index 29 | List of schools and universities with which the company cooperates in the field of vocational training | Contribution to the society |
Preventing the negative impact of the company on local communities
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Key areas of ENEA Group’s environmental impact |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Key areas of ENEA Group’s environmental impact |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Key areas of ENEA Group’s environmental impact |
GRI 413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | Key areas of ENEA Group’s environmental impact |
Sponsorship and charitable activity
Custom index 28 | The total amount allocated by the ENEA Group to support local communities in the fight against COVID-19 | Our contribution to fighting the epidemic |
Custom index 16 | Total amount earmarked by ENEA Capital Group for all social involvement activities | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Custom index 21 | Charity initiatives supporting society | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Employee initiatives and volunteering
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Custom index 17 | Number of Employees involved in Employee volunteering projects | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Custom index 18 | Number of beneficiaries of Employee volunteering activities | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Custom index 19 | Total number of hours allocated by Employees for Employee volunteering | Social projects and employee volunteerism |
Customer satisfaction
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GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Customer relations |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Customer relations |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Customer relations |
GRI 417-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling | Responsible sales |
Custom index 11 | New channels of communication with Customers | Communication and satisfaction surveys |
Custom index 12 | Level of Customer satisfaction – examples of surveys of Customers and their results | Communication and satisfaction surveys |
Custom index 13 | Main activities for Customer satisfaction and ensuring continuity of service provision | Our offer |
Custom index 23 | Total amount spent on investments in the area of energy efficiency and energy security | Power supply continuity |
Sector EU index 28 | SAIFI – frequency of power off | Power supply continuity |
Sector EU index 29 | SAIDI – average duration of power off | Power supply continuity |
Confidentiality in relations with Customers, measures preventing loss of data
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of the topics identified as significant | Customer data security |
GRI 103-2 | The management approach and its components | Customer data security |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of management approach | Customer data security |
GRI 418-1 | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of Customer privacy and losses of Customer data | Customer data security |
Custom index 10 | Actions implemented to ensure the security of personal data of Customers | Customer data security |
Customer health and safety
GRI 416-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services | Responsible sales |