ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020


Year ended
Note 31 December 2020
31 December 2019
Revenue from sales 8 18 241 997 15 867 593
Excise duty (65 492) (71 295)
Net revenue from sales   18 176 505 15 796 298
Compensations 3 284 597 278
Revenue from operating leases and subleases 14 765 7 722
Revenue from sales and other income 18 194 554 16 401 298
Other operating revenue 10 248 815 285 962
Change in provision for onerous contracts 17 745 10 415
Depreciation/amortisation 9 (1 598 063) (1 548 268)
Employee benefit costs 9 (1 963 108) (1 904 022)
Use of materials and raw materials and value of goods sold 9 (3 643 315) (3 333 521)
Purchase of electricity and gas for sales purposes 9 (7 514 300) (6 090 506)
Transmission services 9 (472 104) (447 154)
Other third-party services 9 (914 208) (925 799)
Taxes and fees 9 (443 407) (414 439)
Loss on change, sale and liquidation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets (34 890) (57 585)
Impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets (3 410 154) (5 521)
Other operating costs 10 (173 824) (186 733)
Operating (loss)/profit (1 706 259) 1 784 127
Finance costs 11 (346 336) (369 234)
Finance income 11 54 346 63 890
Dividend income 283 201
Impairment of financial assets at amortised cost (144 014) (65 771)
Share of profit of associates and jointly controlled entities 18 (332 361) (482 165)
Impairment of investments in associates and jointly controlled entities 18 (129 208) (59 777)
(Loss)/profit before tax (2 603 549) 871 271
Income tax 12 369 212 (330 574)
Net (loss)/profit for the reporting period (2 234 337) 540 697
Other comprehensive income
Subject to reclassification to profit or loss:
– measurement of hedging instruments (108 862) (1 645)
– income tax 20 684 313
Not subject to reclassification to profit or loss:
– restatement of defined benefit plan (77 658) (85 281)
– income tax 14 755 16 203
Net other comprehensive income (151 081) (70 410)
Comprehensive income for the reporting period (2 385 418) 470 287
Including net (loss)/profit:
attributable to shareholders of the Parent (2 268 412) 423 205
attributable to non-controlling interests 34 075 117 492
Including comprehensive income:
attributable to shareholders of the Parent (2 418 898) 354 521
attributable to non-controlling interests 33 480 115 766
Net (loss)/profit attributable to shareholders of the Parent (2 268 412) 423 205
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 441 442 578 441 442 578
Net (loss)/profit attributable to the Parent’s shareholders, per share (in PLN per share) 13 (5.14) 0.96
Diluted (loss)/profit per share (in PLN per share) (5.14) 0.96
* the presentation restatement of data for the comparative period is presented in note 6 to the financial statements.

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