ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

Reduction of CO2 emissions

We make every effort to minimize carbon dioxide emissions, acting in this way in line with the pursuit of the European Union’s climate objectives and social expectations.

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The implementation of our strategic goal, i.e. the gradual phasing out of conventional generation units and development of zero- and low-emission units, will result in a measurable reduction of CO₂ emissions per unit of energy produced.

Each year, we are increasing energy production from renewable sources: in hydro, wind and biogas power plants, biomass firing and co-firing installations and in the future also in photovoltaic installations.

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growth of production of energy from RES compared to 2019

Generation of energy using renewables [GWh]
2018 2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Total production from renewable energy sources, including:
2,025 2,279 2,392 +5.0%
ENEA Nowa Energia: hydro power plants
159 130 130 0.2%
ENEA Nowa Energia: wind farms
130 185 183 -0.7%
ENEA Nowa Energia: biogas farms
6 5 9 +87.9%
ENEA Ciepło: biomass firing
172 204 255 +25.0%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant: biomass co-firing
180 314 371 +18.3%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant: biomass firing
1,378 1,441 1,442 +0.1%
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In addition to developing our own RES capacity, we are involved in endeavors aimed at ensuring the country’s energy transition:

by connecting RES to ENEA Operator’s grid
  • in 2020 the company connected nearly 43 thousand (including micro-installations); as a result, the total number of RES connected by the company was nearly 63 thousand at yearend 2020. The total capacity of the sources installed during this period was over 546 MW, owing to which the total capacity of connected renewable energy sources surpassed 2,043 MW;
by supporting other RES sector entities in fulfilling the reporting duty arising from European law (SOGL guidelines)
  • ENEA Operator’s experts share their knowledge and experience, supporting entities generating electricity from renewable sources in providing data on electricity generated and introduced to the distribution grid.

ENEA started the work on creating, together with the TAURON Group and Polska Grupa Energetyczna, a joint venture to develop offshore wind power projects. In January 2021, the partners signed a letter of intent, in which they emphasized their intention to cooperate in building joint competence in the offshore segment.

Current carbon dioxide emission levels

We report on the volumes of direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) related to the activities of our electricity and heat generating companies. By 28 May 2021, i.e. the date of publication of this report, no management decisions have been made on the schedule of implementing full emission reporting in the Group and in its supply chain (Scope 1 + Scope 2 + Scope 3).

Carbon dioxide emissions from ENEA Group’s generation sources

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CO₂ emissions [ Mg ]
2018 2019 2020 Change 2020/2019
Kozienice Power Plant
14,076,969 14,883,265 13,786,235 -7%
Połaniec Power Plant
8,219,329 6,751,791 4,555,879 -33%
Białystok CHP Plant
280,147 253,522 174,755 -31%
“Zachód” Heat Plant (Białystok)
19,753 12,254 14,588 +19%
MEC Piła
84,107 80,450 81,089 +1%
PEC 14,576 13,597 13,490 -1%
Łęczyńska Energetyka 49,217 44,697 45,263 +1%
22,744,098 22,039,576 18,671,299 -15%

Free CO₂ emission allowances awarded to the ENEA Group

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Kozienice – Power Plant [t]
Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t]
Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 14,883,265 1,719,943 834,265,665.03
2020 13,786,235 55,833 1,455,081,507.83
MEC Piła [t]
Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t]
Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 80,450 14,9549 6,276,583.0210
2020 81,089 11,82711 6,670,018.0210
Białystok – CHP Plant [t]
Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t]
Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 253,522 87,1809 16,867,573.66
2020 174,755 70,15711 11,525,145.94
Białystok – “Zachód” Heat Plant [t]
Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t]
Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 12,254 6829 1,480,174.14
2020 14,588 66811 1,546,186.44
Połaniec – Power Plant [t]
Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t] Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 6,751,791 126,0999 411,162,326.88
2020 4,555,879 1,241,35711 398,680,605.31
Łęczyńska Energetyka [t] Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t] Costs of allowances [PLN]
2019 44,697 8,261 3,480,764.42
2020 45,263 6,535 3,901,740.30
Total 2019 22,025,979 1,957,119 1,273,533,087.15
Total 2020 18,657,809 1,386,377 1,877,405,203.84


9. Single allocation of free-of-charge allowances for 2019.
10. Accounting treatment.
11. Single allocation of free-of-charge allowances for 2020.

What is important, the greenhouse gas emission intensity ratio continues to decline – it is the volume of CO₂ accompanying production by us of a unit of electricity. It is a measurable confirmation of our progress to becoming a low-emission company.

Marcin Pawlicki

Vice-President of the ENEA S.A. Management Board for Operational Matters, responsible for managing climate-related issues in the ENEA Group since 2021

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Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from ENEA Group’s generation units

13 Ratio of total CO₂ emissions associated with electricity generation to total gross electricity generation.

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