On 11 December 2019 the Director of the 1st Wielkopolskie Tax Authority in Poznań registered an agreement concerning the formation of a tax group for a period of three tax years from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. The agreement was executed in the form of a notarial deed on 12 November 2019 between 11 ENEA Group companies, including: ENEA S.A., ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o., ENEA Centrum Sp. z o.o., ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o., ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.
The tax group is represented by ENEA S.A.
The Act on corporate income tax treats a tax group as a separate payer of corporate income tax (CIT), meaning that companies within a tax group are not treated as separate entities for CIT purposes, while the tax group is treated as a whole.
Subject to tax is income of the entire group, calculated as the excess of the sum of income all of the companies within the group over their losses. The tax group is a separate entity only for CIT purposes. It is not a separate entity in a legal sense. It also does not apply to other taxes, especially each of the companies within the tax group is a separate payer of VAT, tax on civil-law transactions, property tax and payer of personal income tax.
Companies within the tax group must meet a number of requirements, including: sufficient capital, parent company’s stake in companies within the tax group of at least 75%, no shares held by subsidiaries in other companies within the tax group, no tax arrears, share of income to revenue of at least 2% (calculated for the entire tax group) and execution of transactions on market terms only. Failing to meet these requirements would mean a dissolution for the tax group and loss of taxpayer status. From dissolution, each company within the tax group would become a separate CIT payer.