Exposure to credit risk
Risk management
Credit risk is risk associated with the Group incurring financial losses as a result of a client or counterparty that is a party to a financial instrument failing to meet its contractual obligations. | The Management Board implements a Credit risk management policy at ENEA Group, pursuant to which exposure to credit risk is monitored on an on-going basis and activities intended to minimise it are undertaken. The key tool for managing credit risk is analysis of the credit-worthiness of the Group’s most important customers, pursuant to which contractual terms with the counterparties are appropriately structured (payment terms, potential collateral, etc.). |
Credit risk is associated with a potential inability to collect receivables from customers. | |
Key factors having impact on the Group’s credit risk:
The following table shows a structure of balance-sheet items depicting the Group’s exposure to credit risk:
Maximum exposure to credit risk* as at
31 December 2020
31 December 2019
Financial assets measured at fair value (without shares and equity
instruments through other comprehensive income)
69 910 | 12 482 |
Debt financial assets at amortised cost
61 | 52 225 |
Other short-term investments
– | 477 |
Assets arising from contracts with customers
322 446 | 330 447 |
Trade and other receivables
1 648 562 | 1 561 518 |
Finance lease and sublease receivables
1 488 | 1 269 |
Cash and cash equivalents
1 941 554 | 3 761 947 |
Funds in the Mine Decommissioning Fund
141 591 | 133 998 |
Credit risk | 4 125 612 | 5 854 363 |
In line with internal regulations, the issue of receivables being concentrated in relation to the Group’s end customers is also subject to monitoring. The size of the Group’s sales portfolio means that despite the fact that there are entities within the portfolio with relatively large consumption, the share of a single entity does not exceed 5% of the entire portfolio’s
volume, therefore the level of concentration is not seen as significant. In light of the above, the Group does not use additional collateral relating solely to concentration. The use of collateral is dependent each time on the counterparty’s financial standing.
As at
31 December 2020
31 December 2019
Impairment as of 1 January | 157 844 | 162 104 |
18 633 | 9 135 |
(26 424) | (3 494) |
(10 458) | (9 901) |
Impairment as of 31 December | 139 595 | 157 844 |
As at 31 December 2020
Nominal value
Book value
Trade and other receivables
1 498 136 | (8 817) | 1 489 319 |
290 021 | (130 778) | 159 243 |
0-30 days
100 033 | (262) | 99 771 |
31-90 days
15 417 | (1 359) | 14 058 |
91-180 days
9 215 | (2 676) | 6 539 |
over 180 days
165 356 | (126 481) | 38 875 |
Total | 1 788 157 | (139 595) | 1 648 562 |
Assets arising from contracts with customers | 322 657 | (211) | 322 446 |
As at 31 December 2019
Nominal value
Book value
Trade and other receivables
1 418 337 | (8 783) | 1 409 554 |
301 025 | (149 061) | 151 964 |
0-30 days
99 035 | (413) | 98 622 |
31-90 days
13 354 | (1 422) | 11 932 |
91-180 days
6 932 | (2 130) | 4 802 |
over 180 days
181 704 | (145 096) | 36 608 |
Total | 1 719 362 | (157 844) | 1 561 518 |
Assets arising from contracts with customers | 330 675 | (228) | 330 447 |
Electricity sales and distribution services – retail clients | There is a substantial volume of overdue receivables in this segment. Although these do not constitute a significant threat to the Group’s finances, activities aimed at reducing this are undertaken. Activities intended to streamline the debt recovery process are successively being undertaken and consist of new and updated instructions and rules for debt recovery as well as cooperation with specialised entities. Introducing harmonised debt collection rules, including soft debt recovery, makes it possible to shorten the cash recovery time and avoid long-term and often ineffective hard debt recovery, i.e. court enforcement. Cases that exceed a debt recovery limit are referred for court and enforcement proceedings; |
Electricity sales and distribution services – business, key and strategic clients | The amounts of overdue receivables in this segment are much lower than in the case of individual customers. Given the above and due to a much smaller number of clients in these segments, debt collection rules are largely based on soft collection. Soft recovery activities are undertaken immediately after the payment deadline passes |
The amounts of overdue receivables are negligible.
In the debt collection and recovery process, the Group works with specialised external entities that support it in hard debt collection activities. The Group monitors on an on-going basis the level of over-due receivables, recognises impairment losses and in justified cases raises legal claims
Bank |
PKO BP | Moody’s | A2 |
Pekao | Fitch | BBB+ |
mBank | S&P | BBB+ |
Santander Polska | Fitch | BBB+ |
BGK | Fitch | A- |
As regards financial investments, in order to limit concentration risk, diversification rules for invested cash are applied. In accordance with the aforementioned „ENEA Group’s liquidity and liquidity risk management policy,” a maximum permissible level of fund allocation to one transaction partner is set. Moreover, allocating excess cash of companies within the cash pooling structure is generally carried out by the parent company, which serves as Pool Leader in the cash pooling mechanism. Companies require ENEA S.A.’s approval to investment free cash on their own.
As at
31 December 2020
12-month ECL
31 December 2019
12-month ECL
Cash and cash equivalents
1 941 554 | 3 761 947 |
from AAA to BBB- (investment grade)
1 941 554 | 3 761 947 |
Funds in the Mine Decommissioning Fund
141 591 | 133 998 |
from AAA to BBB- (investment grade)
141 591 | 133 998 |
Loans granted
210 145 | 118 223 |
from AAA to BBB- (investment grade)
– | 8 244 |
from CCC to D (speculative grade)
210 145 | 109 979 |
Other short-term investments
– | 477 |
from AAA to BBB- (investment grade)
– | 477 |
Total gross value | 2 293 290 | 4 014 645 |
Loans granted
(210 084) | (65 998) |
Total impairment for expected credit losses | (210 084) | (65 998) |
Cash and cash equivalents
1 941 554 | 3 761 947 |
Funds in the Mine Decommissioning Fund
141 591 | 133 998 |
Loans granted
61 | 52 225 |
Other short-term investments
– | 477 |
Total balance sheet value | 2 083 206 | 3 948 647 |