ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2020

30. Debt-related liabilities

Accounting rules

Financial liabilities, including credit facilities, loans and debt securities

At initial recognition, all credit facilities and loans are recognised at fair value less capital-raising costs.

Subsequent to initial recognition, credit and loan liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate approach. In determining the amortised cost, costs related to obtaining credit or loan and discount or bonuses related to the liability are taken into account. Financial liabilities that include credit facilities, loans and debt securities are classified at initial recognition as:

  • financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,
  • financial assets at amortised cost.

Accounting rules for financial liabilities are described in greater detail in the section concerning financial instruments in the note devoted to financial instruments and fair value (note 35), whereas lease liabilities are described in the note concerning right-of-use assets (note 16).

Credit facilities, loans and debt securities

As at
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Bank credit 1 686 985 1 891 366
Loans 46 717 56 861
Bonds 4 874 054 5 854 886
Long-term 6 607 756 7 803 113
Bank credit 208 339 169 956
Loans 11 723 12 450
Bonds 1 003 999 1 920 505
Short-term 1 224 061 2 102 911
Total 7 831 817 9 906 024


In accordance with ENEA S.A.’s financing model, in order to secure funding for ENEA Group companies' on-going operations and investment needs, ENEA executes agreements with external financial institutions concerning bond issue programmes and/or credit agreements

Credit facilities and loans

Presented below is a list of the Group’s credit facilities and loans:

No. Company Lender Contract date Total contract amount Debt at 31 December 2020 Debt at 31 December 2019 Intrest Contract period
1. ENEA S.A. EIB 18 October 2012 (A) and 19 June 2013 (B) 1 425 000 1 013 543 1 138 956 Fixed interest rate or WIBOR 6M + margin 17 June 2030 r.
2. ENEA S.A. EIB 29 May 2015 (C) 946 000 878 500 915 167 Fixed interest rate or WIBOR 6M + margin 15 September 2032 r.
3. ENEA S.A. PKO BP 28 January 2014, Annex 2 of 4 December 2019 300 000 WIBOR 1M + margin 31 December 2022
4. ENEA S.A. Pekao S.A. 28 January 2014, Annex 2 of 4 December 2019 150 000 WIBOR 1M + margin 31 December 2022
5. ENEA S.A. BGK 7 September 2020 250 000 WIBOR 1M + margin 7 September 2022
6. ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o. National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) 22 December 2015 60 075 41 327 48 184 Interest based on WIBOR 3M, no less than 2% 20 December 2026
7. Other 20 385 26 218
TOTAL 3 131 075 1 953 755 2 128 525
Transaction costs and effect of measurement using effective interest rate 9 2 108
TOTAL 3 131 075 1 953 764 2 130 633


Presented below is a short description of ENEA Group’s significant credit and loan agreements:

ENEA S.A. currently has credit agreements with the EIB for a total amount of PLN 2 371 000 thousand (Agreement A PLN 950 000 thousand, Agreement B PLN 475 000 thousand and Agreement C PLN 946 000 thousand). Funds from the EIB were used to finance a multi-year investment plan aimed at modernising and expanding ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.’s power network. Funds from Agreements A, B and C were fully used. Interest on credit facilities may be fixed or variable. In the 12-month period ended 31 December 2020, ENEA S.A. executed an overdraft agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK). The credit limit amounted to PLN 250 000 thousand. The funds obtained from BGK will be used to finance the borrower’s on-going operations.

Loan from NFOŚiGW – agreement executed on 22 December 2015 for the period from 1 April 2016 to 20 December 2026, with a PLN 60 075 thousand limit. The loan has annual interest based on WIBOR 3M of no less than 2%. The loan was transferred (together with an organised part of enterprise) from ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. to ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o. on 30 November 2018.

Total loan-related debt of ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o. as at 31 December 2020 amounted to PLN 41 327 thousand (at 31 December 2019: PLN 48 184 thousand).


Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.

On 12 May 2020, LW Bogdanka executed an overdraft agreement with BGK for up to PLN 150 000 thousand. Interest is based on WIBOR 1M plus a fixed margin. The credit facility is to be repaid by 12 May 2021. At the balance sheet date, the facility was not used, and the available limit was PLN 150 000.

Bond issue programs

Presented below is a list of bonds issued by ENEA S.A.

No. Bond issue program name Program start date Program amount Value of outstanding bonds as at 31 December 2020 Value of outstanding bonds as at 31 December 2019 Interest Buy-back deadline
1. Bond issue program agreement with PKO BP S.A., Bank PEKAO S.A., Santander BP S.A., Citi BH S.A. 21 June 2012 r. 3 000 000 2 140 000 3 000 000 WIBOR 6M + margin One-off buy-back for each series from June 2020 to June 2022
2. Bond issue program agreement with BGK 15 May 2014 r. 1 000 000 720 000 800 000 WIBOR 6M + margin Buy-back in tranches, last tranche due in December 2026
3. Bond issue program agreement with PKO BP S.A., Bank PEKAO S.A. and mBank S.A. 30 June 2014 r. 5 000 000 2 500 000 3 378 200 WIBOR 6M + margin One-time buy-back of each series; PLN 878 million bought back in February 2020, next series in September 2021 and June 2024
4. Bond issue program agreement with BGK 3 December 2015 r. 700 000 532 779 608 890 WIBOR 6M + margin Buy-back in tranches, last tranche due in September 2027
TOTAL 9 700 000 5 892 779 7 787 090
Transaction costs and effect of measurement using effective interest rate (14 726) (11 699)
TOTAL 9 700 000 5 878 053 7 775 391


In the 12-month period ending 31 December 2020 ENEA S.A. did not execute new bond issue program agreements.

Interest rate hedges and currency hedges

These transactions are described in notes 38.5 and 38.4.

Financing terms - covenants

Financing agreements require ENEA S.A. and ENEA Group to maintain certain financial ratios. As at 31 December 2020 and the date on which these consolidated financial statements were prepared and in the course of 2020 the Group did not breach any credit agreement provisions such as would require early re-payment of long-term debt.

Lease liabilities

As at 31 December 2020 As at 31 December 2019
Lease liabilities Intrest Total Lease liabilities Intrest Total
Under one year 25 172 10 599 35 771 27 939 14 174 42 113
From one to five years 38 944 27 687 66 631 47 914 60 271 108 185
Over five years 490 196 328 338 818 534 456 410 299 604 756 014
Total 554 312 366 624 920 936 532 263 374 049 906 312


Passenger vehicles were the main object of leases in 2020.

Contracts that are subject to IFRS 16 are leases, rights to perpetual usufruct of land, tenancy agreements that meet the definition of a lease (office space in buildings, stations, underground parts of land). The Group sets the lease term, i.e. an irrevocable lease term, together with: a) term for an option to extend the lease if it is sufficiently certain that the Group will exercise this right; b) term for an option to terminate the lease if it is sufficiently certain that the Group will not exercise the right. In most of its leases, the Group uses a lease term in accordance with the contractual period. For contracts executed for an indefinite period, the Group determines the minimum contractual term for both of the parties. If the Group is unable to determine how long it intends to use the asset and such an estimate could be treated as a lease term in the case of contracts with an indefinite term, the Group assumes that the irrevocable contractual term will be the termination period for that contract. In the case of rights to the perpetual usufruct of land, the Group sets the lease term in line with the period for which such rights are granted. In the case of rights to use underground parts of land, the average lease term is used, based on the period outstanding, as at the date on which the liability is recognised, for depreciation of the infrastructure placed under the ground. In 2020, leases also included cars and the renting of parking spots. There is a buy-out option in the case of cars. Car leases have a three-year term. At LBW, a contract to lease locomotives includes a fixed monthly payment for use. The rent payment may be proportionally reduced for periods in which the lessee does not use locomotives with no fault on the lessee’s part. The contract does not contain provisions concerning extensions or buy-out of the lease object after the lease term.

Finance lease costs

Year ended
31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Interest cost on lease liabilities (13 578) (14 988)
Cost of short-term leases for which a practical expedient was applied (961) (4 261)
Cost of variable lease payments not recognised in measurement of lease liabilities (4)
Gain on change in or liquidation of right-of-use assets 1 20


The present value of future lease payments is calculated using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If the lease rate is unknown, the Group uses a residual interest rate, i.e. a rate that would have to be paid in order to borrow, on similar terms and with similar collateral, funds necessary to purchase an asset similar to the right-of-use asset on similar economic terms.

The Group may use a practical expedient and not apply the lease recognition model in reference to: a) short-term leases (a lease term of 12 months or less; the contract does not include a right to buy out the asset) b) low-asset value leases the initial value of which for new assets does not exceed PLN 10 thousand (even if their aggregate value is material). If the Group decides to use this expedient, it recognises lease payments as cost on a straight-line basis throughout the lease term or using another approach that more closely reflects the Group benefit. This exemption does not apply to situations where the Group transfers the asset under a sub-lease or expects to transfers it.

General information on the Group as lessee

The Group does not have significant future cash outflows that are not included in measurement of a finance liability and covenants imposed by lessors. The Group was not a party to any leasebacks in 2020.

Liabilities concerning rent and tenancy contracts other than leases

The recognised annual payments for rent and tenancy contracts other than leases amount to PLN 12 396 thousand.

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