As lessor, the Group classifies leases as finance leases or operating leases.
The Group recognises operating lease revenue on a straight-line basis throughout the lease term.
In a finance lease, the Group (as lessor) ceases to recognise the leased asset as property, plant and equipment and recognises finance lease receivables in an amount equal to the net lease investment. The recognition of finance income reflects a fixed periodic rate of return in the net lease investment by the lessor as part of a finance lease. Lease payments for a given reporting period decrease the gross lease investment, reducing both the principal receivable and the amount of unrealised finance income.
As an indirect lessor, the Group recognises the main lease contract and the sub-lease contract as two separate contracts. The measurement of the head lease, i.e. measurement of the right-of-use assets and the lease liability, is in accordance with the measurement methodology for standard leases. The Group (indirect lessor) classifies a sublease as a finance lease or an operating lease in reference to the right-of-use resulting from the head lease.
Subleases the term of which constitutes a major part of the head lease term are classified as finance leases. Otherwise, the sublease is an operating lease.
The Group (indirect lessor) throughout the term of the sublease recognises both interest income from the sublease and interest costs on the head lease, which are presented separately.
The Group (indirect lessor) recognises sublease receivables in an amount equal to the sum of minimum lease payments due to the sublessor resulting from a finance sublease, discounted using the sublease interest rate. Based on the adopted interest rate, the fixed lease payment resulting from the contract is split into principal and interest. The principal portion reduces the amount of sublease receivable, while the interest portion is recognised in profit or loss.
When the Group executes a sublease contract that is an operating lease, the Group (indirect lessor) continues to recognise in the statement of financial position a lease liability and right-of-use assets.
As lessor, the Group does not have the option to use a practical expedient in the form of separating lease and non-lease components. The Group must allocate the total contractual consideration to lease and non-lease components based on the unit sale prices for specific components. Unit sale prices may be derived from price lists based on which the Group prepares its offerings. IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers applies to non-lease components.
The Group is lessor in leases for event illuminations and also acts as lessor in operating leases for commercial facilities, land and IT services.