Shareholder | Number of shares / number of votes at the Shareholder Meeting |
Interest in the share capital
/ share in the total number of votes
State Treasury | 227,364,428 | 51.5% |
Others | 214,078,150 | 48.5% |
TOTAL | 441,442,578 | 100.0% |
ENEA S.A. stock has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) since 17 November 2008
As at 31 December 2020 and as at the publication date of this report, the share capital of ENEA S.A. amounts to PLN 441,442,578 and is divided into 441,442,578 ordinary bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 1 each. The total number of votes resulting from all outstanding shares of the Issuer corresponds to the number of shares, translating into 441,442,578 votes.
All shares in the Company are book-entry bearer shares registered in the Central Securities Depository of Poland.
Since the date of publication of the previous periodic report, no changes have been made to the Issuer’s shareholding structure.
The table above presents the shareholding structure of ENEA S.A. as at the date of the periodic report for 2020.
Shareholder | Number of shares / number of votes at the Shareholder Meeting |
Interest in the share capital
/ share in the total number of votes
State Treasury | 227,364,428 | 51.5% |
Others | 214,078,150 | 48.5% |
TOTAL | 441,442,578 | 100.0% |
ENEA S.A. stock has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) since 17 November 2008
In 2020, the ENEA S.A. stock price fell from PLN 7.915 to PLN 6.54, that is by PLN 1.38, or 17%. The highest closing price of ENEA S.A. stock in 2020 was recorded on 27 July 2020 (PLN 8.32), while the lowest price was recorded on 12 March 2020 (PLN 3.87).
The Company is not aware of any contracts or events, which could potentially cause future changes in the structure of shares held by its current Shareholders. Nevertheless, the unique nature of the process of acquiring employee shares from the State Treasury by eligible employees and their heirs may cause slight changes in the number of shares held by the State Treasury.
Neither ENEA S.A. nor ENEA Group companies purchased the Company’s treasury shares in 2020.
The Articles of Association of ENEA S.A. provide for the package of so-called employee shares. All of ENEA S.A.’s Series B registered common shares, i.e. 41,638,955 shares, were designated for that purpose. Under the applicable provisions of law, there were 8,818 people eligible for a purchase of ENEA S.A.’s shares free of charge, to whom 33,239,235 shares were allocated.
The right to acquire ENEA S.A.’s shares free of charge by eligible persons from the State Treasury expired on 16 May 2012. After that date, only the heirs of the beneficiaries may sign the agreements in the specific instances described in the above legal act.
In 2020, ENEA S.A. did not launch the standard control systems of employee share programs.
Since 3 September 2019, ENEA has also been included in the Warsaw Stock Exchange’s WIG-ESG index, established as the WSE’s response to the surge in global interest in socially responsible investing. The index is comprised of companies included in the WIG20 and mWIG40 indices, that is the largest companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Each company’s rank depends on its weight in the WIG-ESG index. In turn, a company’s weight is contingent on the quantity of its shares in free float adjusted for two factors:
ESG stands for environmental, social, and (corporate) governance, and is a concept focusing on the criteria applied to measuring a company’s impact in these areas. The primary objective of the WIG-ESG index is to draw the attention of companies and investors to these issues in the investment decision-making process.